
Lost In Love No More (Full Album)


The definition of ‘short but sweet.’  Want a pump up the jam when you’re feeling down, a little dopamine release?
Play this song every morning as part of your morning routine!!


‘Lost in Love No More’ is the debut album of the Southern Time Band that comprises nine meaningful musical artworks. It also serves as the ‘overture album’ for the cinematic rock opera soon to come, the ‘Southern Time Tetralogy.’ As well, as a professionally-produced studio album composed and sung by popular HIV positive music artists from Canada (and one of whom nearly died from AIDS), it acts as a call to action to meet UNAIDS’ goal of ending AIDS by 2030. The Southern Time Band’s members consist of two healthy, creative, and highly-productive music artists from Canada who also happen to open about their HIV positive status and want to use their talents to make the world a better place!

So, as one might understand, ‘Lost in Love No More‘ is a pretty big deal.

T wrote the songs of ‘Lost in Love No More’ over about twenty years in T’s life (the band’s lead singer). He wrote the songs of the concept album inspired by his struggles finding love even before contracting HIV (and then especially after acquiring the virus). Then, as the order of the songs on the album progress (starting with ‘Neville’), the songs are inspired by the successes in FINDING LOVE after he nearly died from AIDS in 2009. Ergo, the title of the album ~ T is lost in love no more!!

A portion of everything we make will be donated to the Southern Time Foundation, whose primary goal is to end AIDS by 2030. Please continue to peruse through our website, listen to the songs, and view the band’s photos and videos of the band, check out our merchandise, and consider contributing to the great work the Southern Time Band’s music artists are doing with music and for the betterment of Canada and our world!

2024 © Southern Time Band | Developed by Digie Crew