Southern Time Foundation | Help UNAIDS 2030 goals

Southern Time Productions created the Southern Time Foundation in February 2020 as a non-profit organization that will at first help meet UNAIDS’s 2030 goals of ending AIDS by 2030. Concurrently, or after the world end AIDS (depending on how big the STF becomes), the Southern Time Foundation will address other health, social, and environmental issues of concern, especially the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, for as long as it is in existence.

Our fight against HIV and sustainable development will never stop and we will continue to make people realize that what are the actual goals of developing sustainably.

Once Southern Time Productions obtain initial funding for the foundation, the STF will apply for charitable status in Canada and hire a lawyer to draft a collaboration agreement between Southern Time Productions and the Southern Time Foundation.

This collaboration agreement will legally clarify how Southern Time Productions (including the Southern Time Band) will donate to the Southern Time Foundation, sell the STF’s merchandise, and put concerts on by the Southern Time Band to promote the STF.

The Southern Time Foundation is led by T, who is living with HIV since 1996 and was nearly died from AIDS in 2009, so he has a vested interest in UNAIDS 2030 goals.

UNAIDS 2030 goal - Protest in the roads against the governmentOnly because T lived in a ‘First World’ country providing universal healthcare (giving free access to effective HIV and other medical treatments) and had parents who loved him enough to make sure he stayed alive, helped T to survive.

Not everybody in our world is as lucky as T; most people aren’t, which is why nearly one million people die from AIDS globally every year. This travesty should not be!!! There are scientifically-proven reasons (e.g., U=U) why nobody should ever die from AIDS again! Still, there are government and pharmaceutical corruption and greed reasons why, let alone the capitalistic profit to be gained by prolonging the inequity in access to affordable, effective, and reliably-received and taken HIV medications.

My, my, the human world on planet Earth is pretty messed up!! Should we not fix this gross error?

The goal for the Southern Time Foundation is to begin its pilot project in a community in Canada where HIV and AIDS are still unusually prevalent. The rates of HIV and deaths from AIDS in some Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan are comparable to those in Sub-Saharan Africa, for example.

UNAIDS 2030 goal - A AIDS 2010 group picture with PINA UgandaBeginning in 2021, the STF will reach out to one such community and start dialoguing with the health services and HIV-infected/affected individuals who care about their community to figure out the genuine reasons as to why HIV and AIDS are still so prevalent in their society and then find and fund solutions to reduce the rates of HIV and AIDS in their community.

Then, learning from the STF’s pilot project, the STF will implement its adaptive methodologies to other communities around the world where HIV and AIDS are still inordinately prevalent.

Proceeds from all that Southern Time Productions makes (including the Southern Time Band’s) will be donated to the Southern Time Foundation. The Southern Time Band will also perform in (online or in-person), give interviews, and take questions and answers from the media and HIV positive individuals within these communities where HIV and AIDS are still highly prevalent.

The HIV positive members of the band will encourage individuals in these communities who think they might be infected to get tested and to start and stay on effective antiretroviral treatment.

Southern Time Productions and the Southern Time Band are still waiting for the funds (investment or otherwise) to achieve the Southern Time Foundation’s dreams. Because of COVID-19 and its accompanying lockdown, even if STP had enough money to pay lawyers for helping with the STF’s application for charitable status, let alone the collaboration agreement between STP and the STF, the STF would not obtain charitable status until the first few months of 2021 (due to bureaucratic lag time). Our lack of funds also prevents the building of STF’s website.

However, in the meantime, T has opened a bank account for the STF. We will hold any money you donate in trust through the following options until we have enough funds to pay STF’s lawyer fees.

Regrettably, we will not be able to issue you a tax receipt for your donations until the STF achieves charitable status sometime next year. Until then, your selfless giving to the STF will be a blessing to all who have perished, are still perishing, and might still perish from AIDS.

Please spread the word about the Southern Time Foundation and its worthy efforts to accomplish the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, to create awareness among the people. Once Southern Time Productions have enough funds, we will also start building its website, along with a forum in the website (as well as social media groups) where people from the world can come together and plan how we, the people of Earth, will end AIDS (and eventually attain the 2030 agenda for sustainable development), once and for all.

2024 © Southern Time Band | Developed by Digie Crew