Southern Time Band

Today, because of the famous singers from Canada, ‘The Great White North,’ we stand as one of the most admirable brands in Canada.

In a world full of roses, STB blossomed like a sunflower that desires to help lay the foundation for a peaceful world where humanity can finally forgive, reconcile, and heal. Posolutely, making the world believe in a ground-breaking and unique band, both its music and message, has been no bed of roses. But, as phoenixes often birth from smoldering ashes, our musical art will continue to reach ever-greater masses as the compelling stories tied to it cannot but reach into and resonate with a person’s heart.

Our multitalented and innovative band members have performed with some of the most prestigious platforms with highly reputed singers and musicians globally. And, here we want to introduce you to the amazing stories of the Southern Time Band.

After all, everyone has a story to tell! Additionally, we promote a narrative that does not only restrict itself to the great virtuoso’s STB is filled up with but delivers a positive social message to the world by following the footsteps of the saying, “Whatever you give to life, it gives you back. Do not hate anybody. The hatred which comes out of you will someday come back to you. Love others, and love will come back to you!”

T, the lead singer, on learning of his HIV-positive status and in consideration of the trauma of how he contracted it, left his classical cello studies undone. Not knowing how long he would live, let alone whether he would ever find love again, T gravitated to his other musical love – classic rock – and started to write songs and sing. Today, T and the Southern Time Band fight to help end AIDS, as well as other pressing global health, social, and environmental concerns.

A lot more are waiting for you!

Core Members

Featured Artists

Former Members

2024 © Southern Time Band | Developed by Digie Crew